Nor'easter Tournament
To pre-register for the tournament, Register Here.
Round #1: Friday Mar 28th, 2025 10:00am-4:00pm
AP193 | Hit it and Quit It |
DB124 | Death on the Eismeer Strasse |
DB172 | Not Digging Potatoes |
Q25 | Encounter at Le Valtru |
U39 | The Clearing |
Round #2: Friday Mar 28th, 2025 5:00pm-finished
293 | Death Solves All Problems |
AP196 | Silver and Bronze |
J211 | Breakthrough in the Arctic |
SS-11 | A Different Type of Soldier |
WO39 | Shotgun Shuffle |
Round #3: Saturday Mar 29th, 2025 9:00am-4:00pm
AP165 | The Chocos |
B1 | Desant on Gorbachi |
DB67 | Let's Dance |
DB116 | Takin' Eibertingen |
Q22 | French Spirit |
Round #4: Saturday Mar 29th, 2025 5:00pm-finished
301 | St. Kilian's Bloody Sword |
AP198 | Hassle at Hasselt |
BFP48 | Ninth Tanks |
J246 | Loser Takes All |
SJ5 | Ras El Madauur |
Round #5: Sunday Mar 30th, 2025 9:00am-6:00pm
291 | Bridge Over the River Queen |
295 | Death Box |
DB179 | Having a Go |
J212 | Shoulder to Shoulder |
SJ3 | Hunting Hotchkiss |
Additional Information
Adjudication for late running games are always possible. For night rounds, players who are both undefeated, or a "spoiler game" where one player is undefeated and the other has only one loss, will have their games adjudicated if running late, unless both players agree to play on. If they opt to play on, it is with the understanding the scenario will need to be done by the start of the next round. If both players do not have undefeated records, the players can agree to play on or not at their discretion. If a decision is made not to play on, then the scenrio will be adjudicated. NOTE IN ALL CASES THE ABOVE PROVISIONS OF 2), ONLY APPLY TO GAMES RUNNING OVER THE TIME LIMIT.
Abbreviations for Scenario Sources
AP= Action PackASLB1= Battles Magazine ASLOK= ASLOK 20th Pack
ASLUG= ASL Union of Gamers
ATF= All Time Favorites
BC= Break Contact
BoF= Best of Friends
BFP= Bounding Fire Productions
BRV= Berlin Red Vengeance
DB= Dispatches from the Bunker
ECZ= Advancing Fire Tournament Director's Pack
ESG= East Side Gamers
FF= Fire Fights
FT= Le Franc-Tireur
FrF= Friendly Fire
G= General Magazine
HOW= Hell on Wheels pack
J= ASL Journal
LM= Long March
News= ASL News
MLR= Maple Leaf Rout Pack
MP= Melee Pack
OB= Out of the Bunker
OTO= Onslaught to Orsha
PA= Panzer Aces (Lone Canuck)
PK= ASL Journal Pocket Scenario
Q= Quick Pack
RbF= Recon by Fire Magazine
RIII= Retro Pack III
RP= Retro Pack
RPT= Rally Point
SP= Schwerpunkt
STL= St. Louis ASL Club
YASL=Yankee ASL (us!)